Execution of the WRHHG Strategy is overseen by a Steering Group consisting of representatives from network organisations and a paid part-time Executive Officer role. Current Steering Group members are:

Yadana Saw, Chair
Yadana Saw is a Councillor of Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Helen Oram (Porirua City Council)
Helen is Porirua City Council’s Manager Climate and Environmental Planning.
Helen has managed a range of functions for local authorities over the last 30 years’, primarily in the planning, regulatory and climate space. Helen has a particular interest in improving the quality of housing in the region to enable people to thrive.

Greg Street (Hutt City Council, Eco Design Advisor)
Greg is the Eco Design Advisor (EDA) for Lower Hutt. Eco Design Advisors work at the ‘coal-face’ of house performance – where the various strands of research, building knowledge and house performance are brought to bear on actual house performance issues and the humans that live in houses. Prior to being an EDA Greg spent a number of years at the Sustainability Trust doing countless house assessments.

Mark Jones (BRANZ)
Mark is the Research Team Leader for the Building Performance Team at BRANZ, and is also the Programme Leader for the Warmer, Drier, Healthier Homes programme. The Programme is aligned with vision of the Wellington Regional Healthy Housing Group, aiming for all New Zealand homes to have the capability (to consistently) provide warm, dry & healthy environments in an affordable way. Mark has also been responsible for the delivery of the BRANZ/National House Condition Surveys over the last few years.

Phil Squire (Sustainability Trust)
Phil is Fair Energy Manager at Sustainability Trust. He oversees the Trust’s healthy homes assessment and intervention programmes that support lower-income households create warm, dry, safe homes. He also leads Toast Electric, a not-for-profit and social electricity retailer that serves households throughout the Wellington and Horowhenua regions.

Hayley Moselen (Wellington City Council)
Hayley is Wellington City Council’s Housing Strategy Lead.

Sebastiaan Beirema (University of Otago)
Sebastiaan Bierema is a research fellow in the governance strand of the Public Housing & Urban Regeneration programme. His research focuses on the governance and political economy of public and community housing in Aotearoa.

Annabel Lee (Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora)
Annabel Lee is a Public Health Policy Advisor for Te Ikaroa – Central Region with the National Public Health Service, a directorate of Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora.

Nic Greene (Habitat for Humanity Central Region)
Nic Greene is the CE of Habitat for Humanity Central Region, the largest of New Zealand’s Habitat affiliates. Habitat for Humanity is a community housing provider that believes “everybody deserves a decent place to live” Habitat delivers on this vision through the provision of affordable Ownership, Rental housing as well as through a home repair programme for low income households. They also operate a chain of second-hand goods stores branded “ReStore”.
Nic is also a Council Member of Community Housing Aotearoa, the sector’s peak body and the co-chair of the Waikato Regional Housing Initiative.

Amanda Scothern, Executive Officer WRHHG
Amanda is the Executive Officer for the Wellington Regional Healthy Housing Group with responsibility for leading group communication and advocacy activities; coordinating research design, fundraising and implementation; facilitating collaboration amongst group members, project management support; as well as administrative support for Network, Steering and Working Group meetings.
Amanda has a background in multi-stakeholder process facilitation, supporting social change, organisational development and crisis response work internationally and in New Zealand.